What do I want ? What do I want to be when I grow UP ? I’m already grown up and I believe its time to figure this out . It’s only been my whole life ! The master key readings were about the application of knowledge and that it doesn’t “fall in your lap” ! I do believe that I have had major growth over the past 10 weeks like so many others. I ask myself , why am I here? When we were told to use numerous combinations of index cards and shuffle them as an exercise to determine what is the best combination for our purpose , it reminded me of an old television show “Whats My Line “. The show involves a panel of experts that guess what kind of unusual work and purpose somebody has . The first 25 seconds are a jumbled conglomeration of different body parts that illustrate my point :

The master key experience is about finding your way and your path to a more fulfilled life . The weekly questions are : “What do you really want to do ?”and” What is your purpose ?”

An article written by Simon T. Bailey in Success magazine about finding your purpose resonated with me. He wrote the book ,Shift your Brilliance : Harness the power of you . (His blog address is: https://www.success.com/author/simon-t-bailey .) Three questions were asked : 1)” What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”2) ” What would you do even if nobody paid you “? (I have often thought about working for the Peace Corp or practicing medicine in a third world country).”3)What makes you come alive?” These are all great questions that I want to find the answers for as well. In my heart I have always enjoyed teaching ,counseling, educating, and motivating others ! When I was growing up I was looking for external validation in order to feel confident . I have achieved many successful things in my career as a practicing physician for many years , giving lectures , educating nurses , students , and patients and was fortunate to be able to travel for business and pleasure. Despite the success , there was definitely something missing from my life . I was real to my patients and my job but had difficulty juggling career, family and friends . Despite my passion for my career , I believe that there were times that I was quite self -absorbed and it alienated me from many people. I agree that we have to choose and sacrifice because we can’t do everything !

I left medicine because of dissatisfaction , lack of personal time , burnout and control by insurance companies on guidelines for treatment and reimbursements . I decided to work with my father and brother who had a very successful family business in the lumber and construction industry . We were told to think of people that we admire in our webinar . I admire my father because of his determination to succeed, will to live , and a positive mindset to never give up( sounds like the MKE) . He survived many near- death experiences last year, and lives life to its fullest potential . He still works 7 days a week and will soon be 97! I am so grateful for every day that he is alive ! Medicine is still in my heart but I have elected to pursue other avenues and chose Wholesale Real Estate . I was looking for autonomy with the ability to help people and utilize my social personal skills.

Several years ago , I was fortunate to study with a life coach for personal development. The idea was to help me define my goals and my purpose . Despite a tremendous gain in skills and knowledge , I still didn’t have the answer or the motivation to live my purpose successfully !

Simon Bailey mentions 4 points regarding purpose :

1)Pique your curiosity . I have always been someone that read motivational books and read books by people that inspired me ,including Napoleon Hill and Tony Robbins . Real validation of your character comes” from within , building unshakable confidence and authenticity” !

2)Ignite your Intuition ... you don’t know why but you do it and somehow it works out. Follow your instincts and your heart and be purpose driven .

3) Evaluate the core areas of your life . They are mind and body , family and friends, spirituality , finances and career. The lecture had different categories but included family , spirituality, fun and activities, career , and social . These categories are unique to you . Ask yourself : “How are you doing in your core areas of life?” “Are you excelling in some but not others? ” ” What are your special talents, skills , and abilities?” “What are your positive qualities ?” I wrote down all of my positive qualities , all of my wants and desires, and studied my color code ( I’m a white with a strong secondary color of blue). I am planing to “shuffle the deck of index cards” in order to find which characteristics and qualities resonate with me the most . I’m planning to attend Mark’s seminar in Boston to help me master my deficiencies in my colors and to study my strengths.

4)Develop High- Impact Habits : Living purposefully requires great habits . These are the behaviors and actions that move you the farthest and the fastest in the direction of your heart. Manage your time and energy (OATS). Meditation (centers your energy ), Exercise ( invigorates your body ) and Reading aloud ( Focus with Enthusiasm ) can increase your confidence !

Brenden Bouchard , author of the book High Performance Habits , writes about daily activities to increase your productivity by breaking things down into small action steps; He recommends frequently re- evaluating your action steps and accomplishments daily , weekly , and monthly !

What do I do to Help me get my Purpose ?

Ask yourself : How can I use my purpose to make a difference? Actively seek your purpose daily . Its not always obvious or clear . Seek guidance from others who can help you ( mastermind)/ MKE . Read books that speak to you . Open your mind and your heart to the possibilities of the universe ; pay attention to the people who show up . They can teach you a lesson or help you on your path . Keep knocking on opportunity that you intuitively believe is for you . You need to push the ” door open” and walk through daily; do not be afraid to fail . Its expected. Og says in the third scroll , “keep persisting despite failure” . Believe within your heart and spirit that this is why you are here and take small steps daily . Make the decision and make choices that bring into your life the things that will help you fulfill your purpose . Each step , whether it’s right or wrong will teach you something and lead you closer to your goal .

. According to Dan Sullivan , and Ben Hardy , we need to Own Our Truth and Own Our Unique Situation . In order to change , YOU must change . OWN what you really want and tell the world ( “I will visualize and share my new reality daily as a service to others .”) Start telling people what is going to happen to you now! Courage is the willingness to fail and the key to being vulnerable; this is at the heart of telling the truth . Courage is action so make a commitent and” DO IT NOW” on a daily basis . Do something that refelects your future self . Once you admit to yourself to who you really want to be , you will be more compelled to act the part. Write , talk , visualize it( creative visualization) and take emotion filled steps forward ( enthusiasm) . Then you can live as the person you intend to be . You need greater compassion and empathy to negotiate your relationships and your environment. Design an environment that reminds you and triggers you to be the person you want to be. Daily practice ( exercises ) help to trigger your new identity .” Design beats will power ” Go to bed with a purpose and wake up with intention. Eric Worre ( a known author and networker ) just tweeted this today ! Write down your goals and desires every morning to be intentional to cause more peak experiences ; this helps you be more confident and courageous in the pursuit of the life you really want and not the one that you have had previously .

What is my purpose NOW?

I am still searching but getting closer . The master key , mastermind , and the principles learned about looking within have helped me to discover and recreate my new image and external world . I NOW have the basis to discover my Truth and Pursue my spiritual , mental and physical goals ! If I can follow these steps purposefully and consciously, ( and subconciously) every day , I am optimistic that I will be able to live my life on purpose and have a purposeful life !

Through the master key, I have had spiritual and mental growth applying knowledge and my thoughts. I was never able to control the outcomes of my emotions before and was not willing to pay the price to develop a character and spirit of excellence! When I really thought about my definite major purpose (DMP), and was able to control my emotions, and be truthful with myself and others, I was able to give more and feel love towards everyone. I finally experienced true growth and purpose !

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Eddie Helm

    Phil, you’re doing fantastic. Keep going my friend.

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