Week 7 MKE “Turn it Off ” My 7 day Mental Mind Diet


What a mentally stimulating and emotionally challenging week ; but quite eye opening and meaningful! The song from the show “The Book of Mormon” looks at mind control simplistically and provides a matter of fact and comical solution. Two phrases :”when you start to get confused because of thoughts in your head , don’t FEEL those feelings , hold them in instead… TURN IT OFF , like a light switch and go CLICK, it’s a cool little Mormon trick .” “When you’re feeling certain feelings that don’t seem right , treat those pesky feelings like a reading light and TURN IT OFF”. This is not easy to do and by no means a permanent solution. I DO agree that a mental diet is life changing and agree with EMMETT. I feel that it’s not just a matter of using the “law of substitution ” or the “law of dual thought ” and “avoiding negativity with negative people and negative thoughts”. I feel that we need to really understand WHY and HOW to get to the root of the problem: BE a “master of your emotions and master your life”


So what is it all about ? I feel it’s very complicated and requires massive work! According to the readings from the Master Key , that if we control the negativity and feelings of jealousy and anger , then we realize the power of the universal mind and can have unlimited potential .

I had two issues this week : I woke up and was mean to my dad. Let me clarify…I woke up in an angry mood and I said… whoa .. I’m sorry dad. The next day I woke up with “love in my heart” as suggested by Gavin ,and according to Og in Scroll II . What a great beginning to my day. I went to work and I unfortunately arrived a little late. My coworker was upset . I had to leave about 90 minutes later to take my father to a doctor appointment ; as I drove out of the parking lot , I see her mouth the words “you are an asshole”! Normally I say “I love you ” and smile . But this time, I tried the law of substitution ” thinking about God and then tried to look at shapes , and think of good times , etc. BUT.. I felt horrible! The thoughts and feelings lingered. I said to myself, how can that person have such power over my emotions? So I started my diet over . I was OK with that . Am I missing something ?

According to Stephen James ,an entrepreneur and life coach , there are 4 benefits to a mind diet: 1) We become aware of habitual, mental and emotional patterns that hold us back. 2) This diet makes your brain search for empowering alterations to our patterns and emotions. 3) This diet gives you an incredible sense of confidence; with success you can turn your life around. 4) This diet creates new habits and new expectations that help you expand more than you could ever believe.

The RULES according to Emmet Fox and James : 1) Refuse to dwell on any unresourceful thoughts or feelings. Don’t indulge on any disempowering questions or metaphors . 2) When you catch yourself , you are to immediately snap out of it and change your thinking state . “TURN IT OFF “? Not exactly . Re frame any negative thoughts that come up . For example , “you suck ” becomes “I’m awesome “! 3) Focus on solutions and not problems. “NEVER SPEND MORE THAN 10% OF YOUR TIME ON THE PROBLEM, AND SPEND AT LEAST 90% OF YOUR TIME ON THE SOLUTION “
4)If you catch yourself indulging or dwelling on a thought , do not beat yourself up. There is no problem as long as you change immediately . However, if the thought lingers , then we start again.

According to Tony Robbins the author of the book Awaken the Giant Within , we are the source of our emotions ( the emotional triad).

There are three factors that determine our emotions: 1) Physiology- what do we feel from moment to moment. Passion, confidence , depression, are examples but we can choose how we feel . We feel depressed and then get a phone call and then we are happy several minutes later. Anna wrote in her blog that she experienced African dance which thrilled her . “Emotion is created by Motion ” 2) Focus- what we focus on is what we feel . Using the “law of abundance ” if we focus on debt we suffer debt, but if we focus on wealth and happiness then this will come to us. What’s wrong is always available ,and so is what’s right . 3)Language – mind and body. We can use body postures that are empowering (wonder women pose), and phrases that empower us. We can feel any feeling that we want to feel. It’s based on how we interpret the situation in our life and the meaning that we associate with it .

How do we deal with our Negative Emotions

Most people deal with emotions by Denial , or Avoidance .We put off the emotions we want to experience ,instead of realizing the truth : We can learn and have insight to our emotions and feel those emotions NOW! According to James and Tony Robbins – the 6 steps to mastery :

1) Identify your true feelings 2)Acknowledge and appreciate your emotions knowing they support you 3)Get curious about the message the emotion is offering you to help you solve the challenge to prevent this from occurring in the future:”what could this mean?”, “what else do I want ?” ,”what do I need to believe to feel this way ?,” “what am I willing to do about it now?” 4)Get confident – the fastest most powerful way to handle any emotion is to remember a time how it was handled in the past :”what did I do back then?” If you do the same thing , you will get the same result . 5)Get certain that you can handle this today and in the future . Remember how you handled this negative emotion before and rehearse handling situations where this signal would come up : “What are 3 or 4 ways that I could change my perception when this comes up again ?”or What else could this mean ? “or “What’s great about this?” “What can I do to feel the way I want to ?” Your brain at first says “NOTHING!” but “if you push yourself and KEEP asking, you WILL come up with an answer!” 6) Get excited and take action . Get excited that you CAN handle this emotion and take some immediate action to prove that you have handled this . “When do you do this” ? “WHEN YOU FIRST FEEL IT!”

KILL THE MONSTER ! TURN IT OFF ! The song says “Imagine that your brain is made of tiny boxes and find the box that’s wrong and CRUSH IT! ( smile)

According to Tony Robbins , “every negative emotion has a message or a call to action its trying to give you . We want to identify the message and have a call to action referred to as “action signals.” I do highly recommend for the highly inquisitive minds that we ALL are to further enhance your knowledge and skills : https://projectlifemastery.com/control-your-emotions/

My conclusions and Interpretations

This DIET is not for the faint hearted and requires tremendous EFFORT and FOCUS! Obviously this will improve the more we Practice . Remember the 5 Ps- Perfect Practice Prevents Poor Performance .

James recommends to have an accountability partner and feels that a great morning routine is very important to establish the right mindset and mood !

George Harrison said it BEST “I got my mind set on you ” “https://youtu.be/_71w4UA2Oxo

I got my mind set on you …” This time I know it’s for real . The feelings that I feel . I know that if I put my mind to it , I know I really can do it “…. “It’s gonna take time , A whole lot of precious time. It’s gonna take patience and time, to Do IT , to Do IT , to Do IT , to DO IT , to DO It , to Do it RIGHT !

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