Everything happens for a reason ! The MKE webinar referenced the book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Depak Chopra . It is a summation of all that we have been practicing the last 6 months . The message enforces our understanding of how to live in harmony with nature , manifest abundance easily, and express health, vitality and happiness ! The Law of Least Effort: the law is about energy conservation. When our actions are motivated by love ; we gain momentum to create a surplus of energy allowing us to obtain anything we desire. The opposite is true as non positive actions drain energy . There are 3 components : Acceptance , Responsibility and Defenselessness . Acceptance : we accept things as they are. Responsibility: we don’t blame others , and create opportunities to use this as a tool for personal benefit (to expand our comfort zone ). Defenselessness : relinquish the need to defend your point of view and be open to all other opinions. Our dreams and desires will manifest “effortlessly” when we embrace the present to experience fulfillment of life.
The Law of Potentiality: This law deals with the awareness of an ” all pervasive spirit ” connected to the power of the universe. The daily practice of silence , meditation and being non-judgemental ( we have been doing this for weeks ) is the pathway to infinite creativity , freedom and bliss . However with prolonged silence , you discover your “true self ” giving insight to overcome fear , guilt ,and insecurity ( comfort zone ) .
The Law of Giving and Receiving : “ our willingness to give that which we seek shall keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives. ” This Law is a dynamic exchange ( flow ) that we have been reciting daily for the past 6 months. The more you give , the more you receive ( Emerson’s Law of Compensation ). The intent is to provide service to others without expectation of reciprocity. As you give more and receive more, your ability to give more increases.
The law of Karma or cause and effect. “What you sow is what you reap”. Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in a similar fashion. When we make a choice , what are the consequences ? Will it bring fulfillment and happiness to me and others ? Listen to your heart for guidance. All actions are karmic episodes; the best way to prepare for any moment in the future is to be fully conscious of the present.
The Law of Intention and Desire: the law is about energy and information . We can consciously change the informational content utilizing our nervous system (mindfulness?) . Intention is the power behind desire. Your intention is for the future but your attention is the present. You manifest your intention when you don’t allow obstacles to interfere.
The law of Detachment : “our willingness to step into the unknown “. The law states that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe , we need to “detach ourselves “from the outcome. Attachment is based on fear (not knowing our true self). Be prepared when opportunity presents itself ; the solution will appear spontaneously .
The Law of Dharma : “… the combination of the ability to express your unique talents , seek your purpose and give service to humanity “. We are all spiritual beings with ” human experiences “, seeking to discover the “divine nature within ourselves “.
Quotes about Abundance : “Riches are not from Abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind “- Unknown Author
“Having everything is just an expression of complete inner freedom” – Deepak Chopra
“Any person who contributes to prosperity must prosper in turn “- Earl Nightingale
How to use the laws of success and the Law of Least Effort
We experience the law of pure potentiality through silence and meditation. Through the actions of giving you activate the law of karma. Good karma leads to a life of effortlessness fulfilling our desires and intentions. We focus on our true purpose (dharma) , and give service to humanity by utilizing the law of detachment . This week, I had to utilize the Law of Least Effort with my father at work . We had a few disagreements about procedures in the office . After realizing that I was starting to allow myself to be affected by my emotions, I made myself aware of the present situation, became the non judgemental observer , used the law of substitution, became detached from the outcome and accepted his opinions and ideas . The result was a smoother transition because of my acceptance and awareness and my willingness to be defenseless !
I have mastered the 7 laws of the Mind along with the Mental diet . I have used the knowledge gained positive experiences from the book , The Greatest Salesman: Scroll 6 “controlling my emotions”,Scroll 2 “greeting the day with love in my hearts,” and scroll 5 “we are nature’s greatest miracle “. I have mastered the practice of being the quiet observer , and being non-judgemental . I have success through creative thought ,creative visualization, a positive mental attitude, desire and faith. I am a self directed thinker not concerned about criticism by others . In these scary times I need to continue to have faith in myself, live my purpose (Dharma, DMP) with honesty ,kindness , and gratitude , and provide service to humanity . With the assistance of positive affirmations and creative visualization in silence, I succeed !
Please read blogs by my fellow mastermind alliance partners :
Thank you for the information shared in your post, the example of how you lived the law of least effort, and for the interesting video link with its timely message about our choice: to live in fear or not.
Thank you for your comments and kind words . The book was great . I’m happy that you found it of value
Thank you for the information shared in your post, the example of how you lived the law of least effort, and for the interesting video link with its timely message about our choice: to live in fear or not.
Thank you for your comments and kind words . The book was great . I’m happy that you found it of value